Monday, March 11, 2024

Sarasota LWV publishes "Report Card" on the county's School Board


Sarasota County School Board Report Card 

The League of Women Voters of Sarasota has established an Observer Corps to monitor the Sarasota County School Board meetings. The goal of the Observer Corps is to objectively evaluate meetings for ethical, legal and professional conduct on the part of the board and chairperson with respect to the public comment session and the meeting agenda. This evaluation will be shared with the Board and the public following each  meeting. 

Meeting ate:  

A = Consistently B= Frequently C= Occasionally D= Rarely F= Not at All  

Board follows and advances a written agenda. 


Board limits citizens’ comments only to opinions on topics that are in the Board’s purview. 

Some comments are not in the Board’s purview. Asking Ms. Ziegler to stay on, for  example, is not while asking the Board to write to the governor for her removal is.  Biblical references and prayer are not. Stopping a “woke” agenda is not. A perceived  agenda by some board members to reduce or eliminate public education is not, but it  does fall within the board’s purview to address any action or decision that speakers  link directly to these concerns.


Board Chair does not allow speakers to personally attack board members or use abusive language. 

The chair does not consistently stop attacks on board members. Many commentators  continue to attack Ms. Ziegler and the comment, “Ask the groomer” was a personal  attack on Mr. Edwards. Ms. Marinelli came under fire for comments at the previous  meeting. Some comments walk a fine line between attack and constructive  information. We realize it is enormously difficult to walk that fine line but would hope  that the chair would be vigilant in this matter. 

Board Chair treats speakers equitably. 

The chair has a noticeably different response to speakers she appears to agree with  versus those she does not. Some are greeted with a welcome; others not. The tone  of voice in her “thank you” varies depending on the speaker. Some commenters get  more attention and eye contact by board members than others. Audience applause is  

handled differently…ignoring some and closing down the meeting for another. 


Board adheres to Robert’s Rules of Order. 

As was said after the last meeting, according to Roberts Rules of Order personal  attacks, name calling (groomer), and abusive language is not to be tolerated.

The Board Chair runs an orderly meeting. 


Board delegates operational and educational decisions to the  professional staf

There were several opportunities during the meeting when citizen’s comments could  have been referred to administrative staff for follow-up. Teacher and students  offered specific concerns which lent themselves to further follow-up and the board  chair did not make those referrals. At previous meetings, more issues were referred  to administration.


Board gives evidence of being responsive to public comment. At each meeting, citizens are telling the board that they are not hearing the citizens’  concerns. Speakers continue to bring up issues that are dismissed as being  inaccurate. More often, however, they are ignored completely during the time when  board members have their turn to respond to citizens’ comments.


Additional Comments: 

Two new categories were added to this Report Card this time -- one regarding the equal treatment of citizens who comment and another regarding the board’s response to public comment. We realize how difficult the work of  a school board member is and appreciate how seriously members take on the responsibility of helping educate  every child every day. We hope you will give each citizen equal attention and courtesy, listen to their concerns and suggestions, refer issues to school administration when necessary, and respond thoughtfully to the  speakers when you are able.  

We would ask board members to confine their comments to the work of the board. We feel that the comments  of one board member regarding Equality Florida and changing the narrative had nothing to do with the work at  hand. Comments such as these make us question whether any attempt is being made to project an image as a  thoughtful, non-political board. 

There was huge public outcry related to the approval of a charter school, and many speakers spoke of their  serious concerns. The public learned one board member had requested a special workshop to take a careful  look at the concerns but that request was denied by the board chair. This leads to mistrust and skepticism of  board motives. 


The board might consider whether meetings would be more productive if public comment before the business  meeting was restricted to agenda items only. After the business meeting, general comments could be heard.  When the board is aware that a certain agenda item is controversial or generating significant public interest,  time should be allotted to allow more public input. 

Submitted by: Sarasota League of Women Voters School Board Observer Corps.

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