Saturday, January 6, 2024

Ramirez on dangers posed by Benderson's proposed Comp Plan changes

 Email from Lourdes Ramirez dated January 6, 2024:

January 2024


Benderson Public Workshop on their proposed mega-sized hotel

January 8

Siesta Key Community

Legal Defense Fund

The SK Legal Defense Fund will be used to pay for Legal fees for the ongoing fight to protect Siesta Key. I have engaged attorney, Richard Grosso, who successfully litigated the last mega-hotel challenge.

Link to Contribute online

Or mail your check to:

Siesta Key Community, Inc

Legal Defense Fund

PO Box 15663

Sarasota, Florida 34277

Donor information is confidential and won't be shared unless the donor gives permission to do so.


Proposed Comprehensive Plan Change link

Benderson's complete mega-hotel proposal

How much is Public safety worth?

There will be two public workshops this week for mega-hotels. While it is useful to pay attention to every proposed mega-hotel planned for Siesta Key, there is one we must focus on - The Benderson Dev. proposal planned for Monday, January 8 (see link to workshop registration at the bottom of newsletter).

Why focus on the Benderson Development proposal? Benderson Development's proposal is the only one that includes major changes to the protective laws of our Comprehensive Plan (Link to Comp Plan changes). All mega-hotel proposals require the Comp Plan changes proposed by Benderson to be approved by Sarasota County Commissioners. The two winning court cases last year proved that without changing the Comprehensive Plan, any hotel approved will be overturned by the courts.

Benderson's proposal includes the elimination or changes of eight Comprehensive Plan policies and two coastal objectives.

As an example, here is one proposed change:

Coastal Objective 1.3

Safe and Timely Hurricane Evacuation

Current Comp Plan language:

To protect the public safety during emergency evacuation by reducing or maintaining emergency evacuation clearance time; maintaining an adequate emergency evacuation roadway system; and ensuring adequate shelter space.

Benderson's proposed change (underlined and bold):

To protect the public safety during emergency evacuation by reducing or maintaining emergency evacuation clearance time for residents; maintaining an adequate emergency evacuation roadway system; and ensuring adequate shelter space and/or providing appropriate mitigation. Appropriate mitigation shall include, without limitation, payment of money... (they added other types of 'mitigation' such as possible construction of shelters or meeting hurricane construction standards)

When comparing the current language to the proposed new language, I was disgusted. Does Benderson Development really believe that visitors (snowbirds, tourists, employees) evacuating the island in an emergency will not increase hurricane times for residents? Under this scenario, will the County hold back visitors to give residents the ability to evacuate first in order to 'not increase hurricane evacuation times'?

And does Benderson Development believe that if 'To protect public safety' can be mitigated by providing 'payment of money' as well as other material items, how much is the 'public safety' of people worth? They added to this policy that the County can't limit their payment so there can't be a minimum dollar amount to 'mitigate' the safety of Siesta Key residents and visitors.

How do you feel about the increased risk to the lives of your family, friends, neighbors, and employees that can be 'mitigated' for 'money'? Keep in mind, that this is just one of many proposed changes to our protective policies in the Comprehensive Plan.

I recognize that this is going to be a difficult fight for (literally) our lives. People do not have faith in our elected officials. I've heard from so many about the shared belief that the County Commissioners are 'in the developers' pocket. But we must fight and stand up for what is right.

Two years ago, I heard the same arguments. That I would never win against the County. If I believed that and had not gone through the two lawsuits, mega-hotels would have already been built. I had faith in what was right and in the end, we won. We will need to do this again.

My attorney from the winning court cases, Richard Grosso, will work hard to protect our rights. I appreciate any contribution to the legal costs for this upcoming challenge. Visit my website at to contribute to the cause. Thank you.


Lourdes Ramirez

There are two ways to register for the public workshop:

  1. County link to register
  2. Direct link register for the Virtual Webinar:

 Webinar ID: 948 4616 6957

I recommend concerned citizens check the PDS website or my Siesta Key Community website for updates on the Zoom Workshop. Be sure to register!


  1. How do we donate to help with the legal costs?

  2. Here's one way to do that:
