Monday, January 1, 2018

What about Bob?

Robert Waechter is a major player in Sarasota County power politics. The articles below from 2013 published in the Sarasota News Leader point to his connections with Katherine Harris and Emmet Mitchell IV -- both of whom worked to limit voter registration and opportunity in Florida. 

They also describe the crime that has not prevented him from continuing to be a major influencer of decisions that affect Sarasota policy and politics.

Waechter owns several warehouses immediately south of public parcel #2 -- a 10-acre parcel that is owned by the Public, part of "The Quads" near the Celery Fields. He has consistently and persistently lobbied the Board to industrialize our public lands. He would love to see industry on our public lands.

His arguments include stating that the Celery Fields mound was a brown field so polluted that only industry was compatible with it.

He has also claimed that so many large trucks use Apex Road and Palmer Blvd. that the area is too dangerous for community uses like a playground or park.

The Board at times seems almost intimidated by Waechter. Here's a shot of his warehouses:

Waechter's "brown field"

Waechter has long had a determined interest in the Charter Review Board. He has tried to have it changed to an appointed, rather than elected Board. He's tried to have it meet ad hoc, rather than according to a public schedule.

Waechter at the Charter Review Board

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